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Importance Of Conducting Genetic DNA Testing


Genetic testing is a new phenomenon which is as a result of recent advancements in scientific knowledge. Genetic testing can be put into many different uses which include testing for various genetic disorders, paternity testing as well as forensic investigations.


A paternity test is the commonest use of genetic testing. It is essential in identifying the biological father of a child. Contention about the biological father of a child can have a lot of implications. These implications stretch beyond the relationship of the two parents but also between the father and the child. These contentions also have both financial and legal implications which may include the question of who is responsible for meeting the child's financial obligations. Genetic testing is conducted by collecting a sample of the DNA of the father, the mother and the child. These DNAs are then compared at some point. Genetic testing is a more accurate method of testing for paternity than the methods that were previously used. In addition, it is painless since dna kit sample can be collected from a swab of the cheek.


Genetic dna tests uk can also be used to create a family tree and as such help in verifying the history of a family. This is done by checking a part of the Y chromosome that is similar to family members. People with a common ancestry will have similar characteristics in specific chromosomes, and as such it will be possible to establish their ancestral lines. This also connects to testing for ancestry or the percentage of different races in your DNA. Conducting an ancestral genetic test helps lone to determine the history of their race.


Prenatal genetic testing is important since it helps to identify diseases and health problems before a child is born. There are some diseases that are related to an abnormality in the DNA which can be discovered before a child is born making it possible to forewarn the mother of such a possibility and as such help them to do what is best for their child.  


The above are just a few examples of the uses of genetic testing. Genetic testing is noon invasive and painless since DNA can be collected using a swab as compared to taking blood. Consequently, the DNA swabs are analyzed in a laboratory to make a comparison of the different segments and after that make a determination of the above tests. To read more on the importance of DNA profiling, check out

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